Can I camouflage my hair loss?
We have all seen a bad comb-over. But you may be surprised how many people effectively cover up their hair loss with hair tricks and camouflage. Here are some of the more common tips we encounter.
Light coloured hair shows the scalp more readily. So if you are a light blonde or your hair is turning grey/white, then your scalp is more apt to show through, especially if you are also experiencing hair loss. Dying/colouring your hair will help to give the appearance of more hair since it will attract the eye to the hair and not the scalp. Additionally, adding a little body to the hair can give the appearance of more hair. Many men and women use this trick by styling their hair up with hair product.
Hair fibres have become quite popular. These come in several forms, but the shaker bottle or the spray bottle are most common. These small hair fibres have an electrostatic property to them which means they stick to the hairs and scalp once they are placed in the hair line. Some people “fix” them in place with a hair spray. Fibres can be matched to your hair colour and give the appearance of much greater density hair.
The latest option is scalp micropigmentation. This involves getting semi-permanent tattoos of small dots or slight hair shapes directly on the scalp. The pigment is matched to your natural hair colour and can do a nice job of giving the appearance of thicker hair density.